Friday, February 3, 2012

Mitten on My Hands and Hot Cocoa in My Mug

Whew...what a week! Training, meetings, grad school overload, crazy weather....crazy week, but definitely a good one!  My kids amaze me every day with all the things they know!

On Monday, during theme time, we worked together to list the ingredients of a snowman and made a snowman salad (I forgot to take pictures). On Tuesday, we read the mitten and made retelling cards so we could take them home and retell the story to our parents (again, I forgot to take a picture).  Wednesday, I was out for ARI (Alabama Reading Initiative) training, but the kids drew mittens and measured them.
Also, on Tuesday we predicted what would happen on Groundhog's Day.  I'm thinking Phil was least here in Alabama.  60 degrees is not winter to me.  

On Thursday we did a little addition activity. We shared marshmallow stickers with a friend.  If we hadn't been so rushed for time, this would have been a super fun activity!
 Next year, I will definitely think this through better.  
Today, to wrap up our winter unit, we talked about things we liked to do in the winter.   fight-fieet.
This week, our centers were based around mittens and hot cocoa.  

As you can see from the next few pictures.  

This was actually semi-difficult for some kids.  We usually focus on color patterns, so they tried to use the correct color instead of drawing the correct shape.

 This was also a bit difficult for some of the kids.

 Put the letters in ABC order on the marshmallows in the bag.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun week you had! I love how you used the small rectangle labels for marshmallows...cute idea!
